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Crystal palace

      Crystal Palace F.C. have recently established a new formal body for supporter engagement, where important issues can be raised by supporter representatives and discussed with senior club officials.

      This new body, known as the Fan Advisory Board (FAB), will meet at least twice per year.

      The body includes senior club staff, including the club’s nominated Board Level official – Sean O’Loughlin, Chief Financial Officer – as well as a number of representatives from a range of existing supporter groups.

      This positive step further reinforces the club’s own commitment to meaningful engagement with supporters on key topics that affect supporters – such as the matchday experience - to help inform our decision-making process on a range of non-playing matters.

      The representatives are listed below:
      • Season Ticket holders: Jennifer Ball
      • Away match attendees: Mark Silverstein
      • International Members: Ryan Saulsbury
      • Gold Members: Tim Richards
      • Hospitality guests: Chris Wait
      • Women’s Supporters Group: Phil Huffer
      • Crystal Palace Independent Supporters Group: Sue Maisey
      • Disability Supporters Association: Bruce Muirhead
      • Proud and Palace: Kate Murray
      • Holmesdale Fanatics: Daniel Grant


      Our purpose is to represent and bring our diverse fan base and the club closer together through collaborative, constructive and consistent engagement to deliver a club everyone is proud of. Our focus will be on issues of strategic importance to both the club and supporters. These issues include the club’s strategic vision and objectives, business performance, significant matchday operational issues, the club’s heritage assets, stadium plans and community, equality, diversity, inclusion and sustainability commitments

      We will provide updates on our progress and relevant discussions via the CPFC website with other communication channels being developed over time as appropriate. We welcome feedback and if supporters have comments or have issues of strategic importance that they wish to raise please use the email address below to contact the Fan Advisory Board.

      If you have any questions about the Fan Advisory Board, please email

      Meeting Summaries
      Meeting - 03/09/24


      Welcomes/Introductions and apologies for absence. Apologies were received form Co-Chair Chris Wait and Mark Silverstein Co-Chaired in his absence.

      Matters arising from last meeting.

      Club discussed actions from last meeting. Of the 22 actions, 17 had been completed and 5 were in process with updates discussed as follows:

      Club updated that a new Marketing Comms Executive for the Women’s team is now in role and will focus on growing attendance and improving all the Club do around the Women’s team.

      Club discussed the development of the free membership launched in schools aiming to build another supporter group of young people and putting more focus on the Women’s team.

      FAB fed back that Club could communicate better with regards to the move to digital ticketing. Club agreed they will continue to work to improve the communication and FAB confirmed they would be happy to work with the Club on such communication.

      Club thanked the FAB for presenting ideas on how to improve loyalty points. Club advised that they are looking at reviewing what requirements and needs might be. This is being looked into and will be followed up later in the year.

      Club updated that they have visited Sutton and are working with them to see ongoing improvements to the facilities. This includes the gantry, signage and fan zone area.

      Proud and Palace event was discussed and potential dates to hold will be looked into. Club updated that x2 Proud and Palace flags have been designed and printed and will be ready for the Leicester City game.

      Club updated that there are now phone chargers available in the information centre on match days. This information will be communicated in the match day notes.

      Agenda Items

      FAB Survey

      FAB Survey was discussed. Club confirmed a big take up of 1200 answering the survey to date. It was agreed to keep the survey running until Monday 9th September to increase the number of responses, particularly from international members. A reminder will be added to the newsletter on Friday 6th of September with this deadline. Once the survey deadline has closed, Club will share the results and announce the winner of the shirt.

      Club summarised results received to date stating that the overall responses were positive about the impact FAB can make. Club recognised that there are opportunities to communicate who the FAB are and how to get in contact with FAB.


      FAB requested the Club send out communication on why the move to digital ticketing so fans understand it better. FAB highlighted a charity that aim to help those with IT/Tech difficulties and asked if it was worth looking into. Club agreed to look into this.

      Club discussed the card issue and the reason for paper tickets being sent out for Norwich City game. Club agreed that communication could be clearer and confirmed that the intention remains to reduce the number of non-digital season tickets issued season by season. The Club will look at this case by case.

      FAB expressed concerns regarding abuse witnessed in respect of, Club’s box office staff. Club confirmed that they will not tolerate anyone abusing a member of staff (in the box office or anywhere else) for any reason and that as a result of recent abusive incidents, security will be present in the box office for the foreseeable.

      Women’s Team

      FAB asked about loyalty points for Women’s team tickets as loyalty points are not currently in place. Club responded that the preference would be to offer a separate points system to the Men’s Team, and look at loyalty point system that offers discounts on various products for the Women’s Team supporters. Club confirmed they would welcome feedback on this and asked FAB to ask their groups about, what the fan base would like to achieve from loyalty points.

      FAB asked what the take up was on the free membership launched in schools. Club responded that there was still some work to do to increase the take up. Current take up is approximately 1000, 250 of which, want to hear about the Women’s team. FAB and Club discussed ideas on how to improve take up including linking more with the foundation and discounted tickets, school partnerships programme, leaflet drops around Sutton, giveaways, trophy tour.

      FAB requested the Women’s trophy in the fan zone at Sutton for fans/children to have photos taken. Club agreed this was a good idea.

      FAB highlighted the lack of communication and information from the Club for Women’s matches. FAB highlighted that a number of the Women’s team matches had been announced by other clubs and not announced or advertised by the Club. FAB said that key information has been missed such as KO times as well as dates when the league was announced. The club agree that supporters shouldn’t find out information from opposition clubs but also noted the fact clubs should liaise and align on any announcements.

      FAB highlighted the lack of communication that there had been no match reports, no trialist or team details of updates on injuries. The Club commented that behind closed doors friendlies are often not covered for a number of reasons. This is consistent with the coverage of men’s games. The Club understands frustrations about lack of match reports for matches that were publicly available. The Club reiterated its desire to improve communications across the board and assures the FAB that a lot of work has been done behind the scenes to ensure the quality is improved – some of which can be seen with communications over the past month.

      FAB asked why there was a £3 booking fee for ST holders booking replacement tickets for the Chelsea game. Club confirmed that this was a human error and should not have happened. Club confirmed this error was quickly resolved and FAB agreed and thanked the Club for acting so quickly when this was identified.

      Club agreed there is some work to do on communication and apologised for the lack of this over the summer explaining issues such as resourcing and staffing. Club advised that there is a lot of strategic conversations currently going on around the Women’s team and recognise that the Club need to get better on this. Club expressed their apologies to all.

      FAB asked why no concessions for Women’s tickets for over 65s. Club responded that it is a very low cost, and they do not want to devalue the product. Club said they are open to suggestions re concession tickets.

      FAB asked why the Women’s shirts were not available in good time for the start of the season. Club responded that this was ultimately due to securing sponsor later down the line.


      FAB suggested x4 areas as follows:

      1. Cup holder
      2. Water fountain stations
      3. Alternatives to toilet paper
      4. Solar panel and power systems

      Club responded that all very good suggestions and that the cup holder is being looked into by the retail catering team to trial in x1 area initially. Club like the water fountain idea and discussions continued to include the possibility of waterless urinals, flushing toilets with rainwater. Club explained that alternatives to paper hand towels was a no starter as Dyson dryers are already in place.

      International Supporters

      FAB expressed that some had been disappointed as there had been no gift with packs this year. Club confirmed a questionnaire had been sent to international fans and the majority responded that they would prefer membership without gift. Club advised they are open to feedback on what international members would like and would reconsider gift.

      Club asked FAB to pass on information for any international supporter clubs so that gifts can be sent out to them.

      New Stadium Developments

      FAB asked for updates and whether there is anything FAB can do. Club confirmed new stadium development is in its early stages but is full steam ahead. Club advised re purposing where Fan Zone will go and asked FAB to bring proposal to next meeting.

      FAB Contribution to Centenary

      FAB reminded Club that they are happy to help going forward. Club gave an overview of how it was marked on the day as well as ongoing plans such as shooting 100-year limited edition t shirts into the crowds on match days, 100 giveaways over 100 days, Fan stories. FAB responded that they would like to include FAB stories as a feature and Club agreed would work with FAB on this. FAB advised that HF are working on an idea to hopefully be ready for Leicester City game.

      Ticket Prices 2025 – 2026

      FAB asked if could be involved in ticket pricing discussions. Club responded that when get to this point, Club would be happy to open dialogue with FAB.


      FAB asked if a Centenary exhibition is possible and whether fans can contribute to this.

      FAB asked what the status was of the wall of the names of the Academy Founder Members which was to feature in the Academy complex. Club confirmed that work on this was ongoing.

      Foundation reminded of Marathon March 12th October starting at Selhurst at 7am. FAB responded that could look to mirror this event with international supporters.

      FAB asked how Club felt the presence of FAB in the Fan Zone went and asked whether they can do this again. Club said they received good feedback and confirmed happy for FAB to be present in Fan Zone regularly.

      Club discussed the blurred line between CPISA and FAB and provided suggestions for how each group could work together to be most effective. FAB agreed they would meet with CPISA. Club also agreed to include at least two agenda items for the next FAB meeting which the Club viewed as being of strategic importance.

      Meeting - 28/05/24


      Welcomes/Introductions and apologies for absence.

      Matters arising from last meeting.

      Club discussed actions from last meeting (of which there were 26) confirming all but 3 had been completed.

      Contact email for FAB Reps required further discussions. FAB suggested setting up an outlook email account so that FAB can monitor and deal with ongoing FAB emails/issues. Club agreed to advertise this once FAB had set up and to direct anything from the CPFC FAB inbox.

      Club updated FAB on the current work being done around identifying international supporters. Club advised that there are over 100 supporter clubs, and this is currently being looked at to see which are currently active.

      Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct was discussed. It was agreed that FAB would go through these and prepare a written document to provide clarity on what can be shared. FAB will send this to the Club to approve.


      FAB asked the club how sponsors were chosen and what bearing these sponsors have on the identity of CPFC. FAB asked whether the club would be interested in feedback from FAB re sponsors. FAB made clear their hope that having moved away from a kit sponsor connected to the gambling industry the Club should not go back to a front of shirt gambling sponsor. Club advised working through and talking with sponsors and will announce soon the direction the Club is on. Club confirmed they would welcome FAB's insight on sponsors.

      FAB asked whether women’s kits will be available in the shop. Club confirmed yes and that the aim is for it to be uniform across men’s and women’s teams. FAB asked if the women’s kit would be available to buy in the club shop even if it had a different sponsor to the men’s kit. The club confirmed that it would be available to buy and that it would include the WSL logo and WSL font for players’ names.

      FAB queried why the kit design changes each season. Club explained the reasons behind this which were a combination of supporters liking a change of kit design every season and the commercial benefits of increased kit sales due to the change in design.

      FAB queried a centenary shirt to which club confirmed this will feature in the 2024/5 season.

      Women’s Team

      FAB asked whether hospitality can be open for women’s games. Club confirmed that options for WSL next year are being looked into.

      Club confirmed that Women’s games next year more than likely be played at both Selhurst and Sutton ground and will be determined once next season's fixtures are out.


      Club discussed again the move to NFC and confirmed that there have been 18000 digital transfers, and the system seems to be working fine. Although there have been a couple of reports of technical issues with certain parts of the transfer process the club have resolved these and continue to work with ticket master to improve the process.

      Club confirmed there are still 2000 supporters that remain on cards. FAB agreed to gain advice from their groups on how to go digital. Club stated that this season’s ticket transfer has been the smoothest renewal process Club have had.

      Loyalty points were discussed. FAB have agreed to send ideas on how to improve the current loyalty point process to the Club. FAB asked if attending Women’s games will result in loyalty points. Club confirmed this is being looked into.

      Palace Free Membership was highlighted by the Club. Club are working with foundation on this and to date 603 have signed up, 200 for the Women’s Team. Club will share information on this new membership with FAB.

      FAB asked about ST renewal. Club responded there had been a 94% renewal rate this year and the quickest sell out to date. Club advised that 1000 on the waiting list did not get opportunity to buy ST. They will be top of the list next year.

      FAB praised and thanked the Box Office staff.

      Stadium and Other Safety Issues

      FAB asked why one of the Arthur Wait gates was not open at the end of one of the games. Club responded that on this occasion this delay was due to security but other gates were available.

      FAB raised concerns over dangerous driving around stadium after games. Club responded that they have no control over the particular area of road mentioned. Club advised that they have previously requested to extend the Traffic Management Operation and Club confirmed they will follow up with this request.

      FAB raised concerns over the safety at Selhurst station and asked at to why more doors could not be open. Club responded that they are working with Selhurst station to see if more doors could be open however, a survey needs to be completed by Selhurst station to facilitate this.

      Women’s Team

      FAB wanted to send congratulations to Laura and everyone involved from the Women’s Supporters Group.

      FAB asked if another add on could be made available to purchase Women’s ST so that it is all in one place. Club confirmed they would look into how this could be synchronised.

      FAB highlighted that there had been no notice when Women’s Teams pitch had been water logged. Club agreed would look into this.

      Club highlighted again that they wish to build attendance at Women’s Games and that this is where they hope the junior membership comes through. Club want to build and give more options.

      FAB asked if the away end at Sutton could be kept for them. Club confirmed they would look into this request.

      FAB highlighted that the facilities at Sutton are poor particularly the female toilets. Club confirmed they would look into this.

      International Supporters

      FAB raised the question as to how to give overseas groups better access to each other, not just focusing on America. Club responded that they are currently looking into who is active/not active to update list and will then be able to update key contacts across the world. Club confirmed they will publicise these groups.

      New Stand

      Club updated on the current situation being that enabling work has begun. Club talked through the enabling work and advised that the plan is to go out with an article soon as possible to update what is going on.


      FAB identified 3 members to take this role on and help improve sustainability. FAB will send ideas to the Club who will then present these ideas at the Clubs next sustainability working group meeting.

      Foundation advised they have an environmental working group and it was agreed that FAB, Club and Foundation would all link together on this.

      Beer Festival

      FAB gave their feedback from the beer festival. FAB raised £100 for the foundation charity. It was suggested a FAB banner could be produced for use on the stand at the beer festival next year and which could also be used if the FAB had a stand in the Fan Zone for certain matches next year. The Club agreed that this would be useful and would investigate getting a banner produced.

      Palace for Life

      FAB asked how they can get more exposure as a group. Club discussed ways this can be done and agreed to send more information on this.


      Views on VAR decision was discussed as well as what the Club does to manage player injuries.

      FAB asked if it would be possible to set up an armed forces liaison group. Club confirmed they would be supportive of this.

      The possibility of hosting South London Proud and Palace event was discussed. Club and Foundation agreed to get behind this. Details to be discussed.

      Proud and Palace raised the matter about the club approving the LGBTQ flag as a guard of honour. This is now being designed by Proud and Palace and will be on display when the players come out subject to Premier League approval.

      Meeting - 27/02/24


      Welcomes. FAB confirmed that Chris Wait and Mark Silverstein had been appointed as FAB Co-Chair and Vice Chair respectively.


      The group discussed the process for compiling meeting agendas going forward.

      CPFC issued a reminder that agenda points for these meetings need to be kept as ‘big ticket’ items; for example, the club’s plans to implement 100% digital ticketing.

      Smaller items, which are not within the scope of the FAB role, will be redirected as appropriate.

      Meeting Summary

      CPFC will produce meeting summaries in conjunction with the FAB. This will be checked and agreed with FAB reps before being published on the FAB webpage.

      Webpage Statement

      The FAB requested that their mission statement be featured on the FAB webpage so fans can clearly understand the scope of the FAB's role. A request was made for the FAB page on the CPFC website to be more prominent and for it to be made available on the app.

      CPFC assured FAB that these requests would be raised with relevant department to implement changes where possible.

      FAB Emails

      It was agreed that CPFC would initially monitor the FAB email inbox and forward any emails received. This process will be reviewed at the next meeting.

      An automatic response will be set up to be sent thanking supporters for their email and advising that it will be passed to the FAB who will respond directly.

      FAB Comms to Wider Fan Base

      FAB suggested a newsletter on website with FAB email contact. CPFC commented that it was a good way of reaching the supporter base and agreed to support this where possible.

      Fan Surveys

      FAB would like a survey on a variety of topics to go out before the end of the season.

      CPFC to action.

      Rep Meeting Frequency

      CPFC asked whether FAB had any thoughts on how frequently they would like to have these meetings. It was suggested that there were at least two a season with preference being every two to three months. April 3rd was proposed for the next meeting and FAB reps agreed between them that they were to have their own meeting beforehand.


      A discussion about how CPFC can communicate better took place. CPFC advised it was open to suggestions.

      The possibility of using slates on concourse TV screens to promote the FAB and communicate details of the fan representatives was discussed.

      CPFC advised the club’s financial annual report will be out in the next few weeks on the website/in the public domain.

      Liaison Representatives for All Fan Groups

      It was decided that FAB reps were already performing the roles of liaison representatives within their respective supporter groups. It was agreed that the Club’s customer service email address should be used for any concerns that aren’t considered ‘big ticket’ items and therefore wouldn’t be discussed as part of the FAB forum.


      CPFC advised that ticket distribution will become 100% digital over the coming seasons. Discussions were held around how the club can encourage supporters to be more comfortable with the move to digital ticketing and how the process of doing so could be made as smooth as possible.

      FAB raised concerns regarding away digital tickets, ticket transfer and re-sale. CPFC confirmed that going digital resolves touting issues and tickets getting lost.

      CPFC advised that the quickest and safest way sell your ticket if unable to attend is to use the club’s ticket resale platform. Transferring your ticket to a friend is straightforward and can be done online. Step-by-step instructions on how to use both options are available online. CPFC acknowledged that there were the occasional technical issues with these processes and CPFC were working with Ticketmaster to ensure the transfer/resale process was as smooth as possible.

      FAB queried why the club was making the move to completely digital ticketing. CPFC advised that there are a number of reasons including clamping down on ticket touts and the time/manpower it takes to get paper tickets packaged and sent out, freeing up Box Office staff to deal with other concerns/enquiries in a timely manner.

      FAB stated that one concern raised by supporters in objection to digital ticketing is phones running out of charge resulting in them being unable to access their ticket. FAB identified phone charging stations as a potential solution. CPFC agreed to look into this further.

      FAB highlighted that on physical cards there is nothing obvious printed to show the difference between ST and ST+; CPFC agreed to look into this.

      Women’s Team

      FAB expressed their thanks for the scarf and flags that were left on every away seat at the FA Cup fifth-round game. FAB stated that this was incredible, went down very well and that they were very grateful.

      FAB asked if the Women’s Team Information could be displayed directly after the Men’s first-team on the website. FAB explained that it currently sits at the bottom of the drop-down list as follows: first-team, U21s, U18s, CPFCW which looks like an afterthought. CPFC agreed and promised to raise this with the relevant department to better promote CPFCW on the club website.

      CPFC agreed to look into building the away clubs' stadiums on CPFC's ticketing site, to enable booking away tickets with CPFC directly for Palace Women’s league fixtures in 2024/25.

      FAB advised that the current away ticket-buying process involves having to register with all other clubs in the league. In doing so those clubs then have all contact details and supporters are bombarded with their club comms.

      FAB asked if the Women's players' names and numbers could be added to the player list in the shirt-printing area to make it easier for those who wanted a Women player's name and number on their shirt. This will also help to increase visibility of the women's team around the ground. CPFC confirmed they would look into this.

      FAB reported a lack of information on social media. CPFC confirmed that this would naturally evolve.

      International Supporters

      FAB discussed how there used to be an international page on the website for international supporters' groups that were active and contacts for these groups so that supporters in certain areas could be viewed. CPFC agreed that some work could be done around identifying these supporters and reaching out to them. FAB mentioned that multiple cities have multiple meet-ups. FAB confirmed they were happy to facilitate if CPFC contacted everyone in USA and requested they email FAB international Rep and give details of pubs so can send flags etc.

      Match Day Park and Ride

      CPFC confirmed they have been looking into this since last meeting. A couple of local schools have been identified who are willing to rent their car parks to the club on match days. The next step is to identify transport options to and from parking facilities and the stadium, and planning routes, as well as viable pick up/drop off points around the stadium considering compulsory road closures. More information will be shared as soon as it is available.

      New Stadium Developments

      CPFC advised that it still plans to begin physical works this summer; there is still lots being done behind the scenes and enabling works, such as clearing existing office space and relocating full-time staff, are currently underway in preparation for a scheduled start date.

      How To Handle Minor Issues/Niggles

      CPFC confirmed minor issues could continue to be shared via the WhatsApp group, but advised that feedback regarding catering and maintenance issues should be directed to the club’s customer service team, , for investigation and resolution.

      Proud and Palace

      FAB asked for a greater presence at London/Croydon Pride events and asked to have more of a dialogue with the club on this. They also requested the LGBTQ+ progression flag be flown by the flag bearers when the players walk out onto the pitch. CPFC confirmed will look into this.

      FAB asked about gender-neutral toilets. Club noted this request.


      Issues were brought up between CPFC and HF. CPFC confirmed that banners have not be banned directly by the club, but that concerns had been raised by the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and the local authority about how they were secured in place. The SAG and Croydon Council specified that they would need to be secured in place by club representatives/external contractors with the appropriate qualifications for them to continue to be displayed.

      CPFC confirmed the regulations regarding flags/banners and the need for them to be fire rated. CPFC have paid for and carried out fire-proofing of the existing flags/banners.

      CPFC reiterated that pyros are illegal and detailed the dangers of marine flares. CPFC confirmed tighter measures will be in place to identify supporters carrying them on their person and, subsequently, confiscate them at the turnstiles.

      It was agreed that better dialogue is needed between CPFC and HF which the club is eager to get underway.

      FAB asked whether the club had any plans to hold a “Family Fun Day” to bring supporters together on a non-matchday and hopefully encourage new supporters to join the club. CPFC agreed that they were great events and said they would look into the possibility of reintroducing them, or something similar.

      Meeting - 24/01/24

      The newly formed Board met for the first time on the 24th of January. For the initial meeting, there was no set agenda and instead, the group used the time to introduce themselves to each other and become familiar with the process going forward.